Property acquisition (lease or purchase), facility maintenance, custodial services, facilility administration, grounds maintenance, inventory management, property accoutability, envrionmental and safety inspections, access control, and security.
Calibration laboratory operations, calibration and repair activities, pickup and delivery, mobile laboratory operations, training, and Technical Order maintenance and development for Test Measurement and Diagnostic Equipment. Water analysis laboratory operation and management. Water analysis training.
Acquisition, Stock control, customer service, receiving, inspection, turn−in, storage, issuance, inventory management, safeguarding, vault and temperature control management, causative research, preservation, palletizing, packaging, and shipment of Government-owned and Government-leased materiel and AIS input and maintenance.
System operation and maintenance, software development (Army, Air Force, FAA), hardware & software moves and installation, acquisition support, analytics and technology insertion. Training capabilities included developing curriculum and instructional material, coordinating with commands, providing instructors and performing classroom, hands-on or computer-based training in all of our capabiltiy areas.